All about DxChain 3.0 Testing!

Woo hoo! The DxChain 3.0 Testing campaign is ended! We received around 1,000 responses from global DX Community, thank you for your warm support and participation!

The DxChain Team has reviewed all responses and we will go through some frequent asked questions, keep reading!

πŸ“Œ Dark mode, proportion of vote, history of transactions, voting for multiple nodes, check reward realtime, support more wallets

Thanks for letting us know these functions and needs, we'll consider carefully and gradually implement in the update versions later. Please stay tuned.

πŸ“Œ Unstake instantly, low the staking amount of node

For now, it will takes one epoch to get assets back after you cancelled your votes, that is the mechanism design of DxChain 3.0, the DxChain Team will discuss more solutions to decide if we will change the rule.

πŸ“Œ The votes that have already been canceled still show up in "My" section.

As stated in the last question, it will take one epoch to redeem your assets from the chain, the votes will not disappear until the assets are redeemed successfully.

πŸ“Œ Got missing txns on explorer

We also noticed this problem during testing and have fixed it.

πŸ“Œ I noticed that after max canceling a vote, and I checked on the explorer, the value of DX of canceled vote shows zero, I don't know why. It was supposed to show -1000 or anything else that will signify that a certain amount of DX vote was canceled and not showing zero.

In the latest version DxScan 3.1, you will be able to check the smart contract info, which will solve your problem.

πŸ“Œ How to deploy a node?

πŸ“Œ Swap or Bridge feature

Yes, the dapp DxBridge will also be launched in this quarter.

πŸ“Œ Does this DX token use the ETH network? or BEP-20?

Luckily, we support both ETH and BSC network.

DX contract on ETH: 0x973e52691176d36453868d9d86572788d27041a9
DX contract on BSC: 0xcA7bBEC6839965aC8dfe077b52EBB6519fFFe155

Again, thank you for your interest in DxChain, please contact @Oliva if you have any questions. DxChain 3.0 is around the corner, see you all in the new era of DxChain!

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